A Musical-Psychosocial Model for attending to Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia: Contributions and challenges


  • Andrea Rodríguez-Sánchez Professor | Corporación Universitaria del Caribe and Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Colombia
  • Alberto Cabedo-Mas Associate Professor of Music Education | University Jaume I of Castelló | Spain


This article is a product of systematic academic research and explores the contributions and challenges of a musical-psychosocial model developed through the Music for Reconciliation programme run by the Batuta National Foundation in Colombia. The aim of this programme is to attend to the needs of young victims of the armed conflict in Colombia through group music making. Although this dual proposal is extremely valuable for the communities suffering the consequences of the war, challenges have also arisen in its implementation. The study reviews the contributions of the project’s psychosocial component, and explores the possible tensions for social and music professionals seeking to meet the aims established in their respective areas of responsibility. The study raises questions about how musical and psychosocial dimensions can develop a complementary relationship, rather than competing with each other.


